
A few days ago, Mrs. Chang’s son was getting married. The bride is from out of town. The couple decided to hold the wedding at Hai-chuan. Mrs. Chang has three sons, and finally she was going to have a new daughter. She wanted the best for her new daughter, so she assigned our B&B as the place of accommodation for the bride’s family members. We were excited about the event as well, because we were going to organize a wedding!

新娘子全家二十多人住進海傳,看到房間就驚喜連連. 晚上~海傳又多交了二十多位朋友.

When I first met the bride, she gave me a gentle and thoughtful feeling, she was a woman of good fortune. We were worried that typhoon Lupid was going to pour rain on the east coast, but when the bride showed up, all worries were swept away, honestly. While Taipei and Yilan were pouring, the sunshine stayed with us in Hualien, therefore we were able to continue decorating, giving our place a festive atmosphere. Over twenty of the bride’s relatives stayed over at Hai-chuan, the minute they stepped into our rooms, the look of amazement were written on their faces. Hai-chuan made over twenty new friends that evening.

On wedding day, the beauty of the sunrise really took everybody’s breath away, at that moment I’m sure we were all filled with blessing and joy within our hearts! Things had already begun to warm up around breakfast time, kids were running around like butterflies in the bushes, what an animated scene! At 10:30, the limo arrived, and the greeting ceremony was done with style. Mrs. Chang is a lady with good fortune, she has a steady and dependable son, and now she has a new daughter, it’s pure joy to had been a part of this event!


海傳,加油吧! 要辦更多的新人派對喔,分享更多喜氣!

******* 張姐及親家商討儀式細節 ******
********** 新嫁娘 與 長輩們合照 **********

*********** 迎娶車隊 ************


*********** 拜別父母養育之恩 *************


************* 踏上人生的新旅程 **************

************* 家族合照 ************

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About Me

At the coast of the overflowing Pacific Ocean, there lies a bed of green, where birds soar and flowers blossom along with their fragrance. Hai-chuan B&B is located at the coast of the Pacific Ocean. Overlooking from downtown towards the ocean, you’ll see an architecture decorated with giant serpentine sculptures, forming the shape of the Taroko Gorge. The funnel stretching down the gorge sprinkled with shining blue lazurite represents the sky we see in the gorge, as if the sky is being poured through mountains. Each and every room has its own theme, and the huge glass windows inside are big enough to embrace both the ocean and the sea. Our room decorations, unique furnishings and antiques embody the taste for exquisite life style.

taroko, hualien, taiwan,花蓮民宿,花蓮旅遊,花蓮搜尋排行,花蓮農業休閒,花蓮旅遊,花蓮飯店,花蓮旅館,花蓮景點,花蓮民宿資訊網,花蓮溫泉,花蓮民宿資訊,花蓮海岸民宿,花蓮悠遊,花蓮民宿休閒,花蓮民宿交流,花蓮美食黃頁,花蓮租車,花蓮民宿休閒網,花蓮住宿市集,花蓮鯉魚潭,花蓮太魯閣,花蓮農場,花蓮海洋公園,花蓮國家公園,花蓮海岸,花蓮國旅卡,花蓮線上訂房,花蓮旅店,花蓮商旅,花蓮精品旅館,花蓮旅遊網,台灣民宿溫泉山莊,花蓮美食,花蓮多元資訊,花蓮住宿推薦排名,台灣社區,花蓮民宿社區,花蓮套裝行程廣告排名國內外花蓮購物網名產花蓮民宿瑞穗安通七星潭,介紹花蓮民宿推薦海洋公園花蓮民宿 資訊 網 飯店花蓮 泛舟瑞穗,泡湯spa泡湯之旅泡湯休息泡湯住宿泡湯優惠泡湯券海洋公園渡假飯店會館知本,花蓮套裝行程休閒渡假泡湯台灣溫泉國內旅遊山莊帳篷度假旅館日式溫泉民宿泛舟泡湯住宿泥漿渡假村湯屋spa溫泉之旅溫泉 住宿別館溫泉美食鄉露營餐廳館烤肉地點租車紅葉溫泉花蓮玉里花蓮瑞穗